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When it comes to setting goals, it can feel like a big task to decide what you want do. You may feel you are ready for something new, or there are things you would like to improve or change, but where do you start?

The SMART method offers a process to set your goals. It will help you to break things down and really think about WHAT you want to do, WHEN, HOW and WHY.You can also identify WHO can help you along the way too.


What would you like to accomplish? Write down a clear, meaningful and focused goal you would like to achieve.


How will you measure your progress? Write down how you will keep track of tasks and activity, and when you feel a goal is complete. 


How will you ensure you are able to complete your goal? Write down the steps you need to take to make this possible.


Why do you want to achieve your goal? Write down how it aligns with your values and the changes or improvements you are wanting to make.


How long will it take you to achieve your goal? Write down clear timeframes and targets to help you reach your goal.

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